Measuring correctly

Correct measurement is most important

FlexScreen is a made-to-measure product. In order for us to supply you with a perfectly fitting product, we need very precise measurements of your window frame. On this page you will find instructions on how and where to measure your window frame so that your FlexScreen fits perfectly in your window frame.

measure your window frame
measure your window frame
measure your window frame

Measure window frames correctly

The first and most important step to your FlexScreen is to measure your window frame correctly. Measure the total internal dimension in the window frame rebate; this is the measurement from the inside of the window frame to the other side. Do not measure the clear width dimension; this is the size of the window opening.

Measure the inside of your window frame using the guide below.

Detail Window
Detail Window
measure left
measure right
measure up
measure below

Measuring Video folding rule

Measuring Video measuring tape

Different window specifications

As there are many different window specifications, FlexScreen cannot be used with every type of window.

Please check whether your window is suitable for the FlexScreen system.

You can find more information here: