Where to buy FlexScreen

Dealers in Germany

FlexScreen is sold in Germany via a network of specialist dealers; these partners can help you with measurements if you need them.

We will be happy to help you find a sales partner in your area. Send us a short message and we will put you in touch with the right contact person.

Europe Card

Dealers in Europe

Mariton SAS

Mariton SAS

31 bd Joliot Curie

F-13250 Saint-Chamas

Visit website

BD Systems

BD Systems

Industriepark 4

B-8587 Spiere-Helkijn

Visit website

Samer Systems

Samer Systems

Pol. Ind. Fuente del Jarro

C/ Ciudad de Barcelona

12 ES-46988 Paterna (VALENCIA)

Visit website

K4 Montagetechnik GmbH

K4 Montagetechnik GmbH

Industriestrasse 18

6252 Dagmersellen

Visit website

Zanzar Hellas Ltd

Zanzar Hellas Ltd

87 Spirou Davari

19441 Koropi, Attica

Tel. +30 210 6026470